Diamond Phoenix Automation

Support Network

Support Network

UK & Ireland Engineer Support Network

Diamond Phoenix Automation Ltd maintains a comprehensive network of service and maintenance engineers nationwide, able to respond to breakdowns in less than 4 hours to all but the most remote sites. We use teams based around the UK & Ireland – all coordinated through our own directly employed staff from our HQ in Central Milton Keynes here in the UK, which can be accessed 24/7 through our 0800 priority telephone service.

Our customer base includes many blue chip companies. Clients utilising our service department in the UK include:

  • Becton Dickinson
  • Dental Directory
  • DHL
  • Ikea Coventry, Greenwich, Manchester, Peterborough and Wembley
  • Marks & Spencer
  • Rolls-Royce
  • Syspal
  • Technology Supples
  • Wagg

And more

All our engineers are highly trained and have many years’ experiences of installing and maintaining systems of the equipment type you have installed.

About us

Diamond Phoenix Automation is one of the market leaders in the design, integration and installation of innovative material handling and picking solutions.

©2012 — 2024 Diamond Phoenix Limited. All rights reserved.

Privacy Policy
Contact us
Diamond Phoenix Automation Ltd, 100 Avebury Boulevard, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom. MK9 1FH

Diamond Phoenix Automation Ltd, 100 Avebury Boulevard, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom. MK9 1FH